Model | MLMGTV 210 | MLMGTV 300 | MLMGTV 350 | MLMGTV 450 |
Fly Cutoff

ECO Friendly- Worlds’ first energy efficient Fly Cut Off , using less than 50 % power.
Fastest retrofitting- Existing mills can be equipped with this Burr Free Cold Cut Fly Cut Off just in 2 days. Only supply wire to connect. Machine has independent PLC Panel and control panel.
Easy to operate—Program has been designed in such a way that any very few information to be fed in HMI Screen.
Test Sample—Tube/ Pipe test sample can be obtained automatically at definite interval of desired length or can be cut any time when mill is running.
Higher yield- In case if defective portion is observed, cutting can be delayed to avoid defective portion in the cut length.
Length accuracy- Tolerance of +/- 2 mm can be obtained at moderate mill speed, means material saving on each cut.
Over all productivity- Mill speed can be increased from 60 mpm upto 120 mpm or 20 cuts per min of 6 met length if HF welder can support, means 100% productivity increase just by investing in ITL Fly Cut Off.
Pay Back Period- Payback period can be considered around 12 months considering- Increase in mill productivity, Saving on end finishing operations, Quick dispatches- fast turnover and low inventory of finished product, Better price from the market, Saving on excess length.
Cutter used- Machine can adopt HSS and Carbide Tipped saws without any difficulty with in 3 to 5 min. Coated HSS saw blade can be used for cutting mild steel Tubes/pipes upto 4.5 mm thickness. Also saw blade can be resharpened several times to use upto 275 mm diameter from 400 mm.
Per cut cost- Highly cost effective cutting. Pipe of 25 mm diameter with 1.6 mm thickness can be cut at just Rs. 0.25 to Rs 0.45. Cutter can be resharpened upto 20 times.
Clean Burr Free cuts- good finished end cuts does not require facing operation.
Machine Details

Application Name
In the year 1999, ITL ventured in complete new segment of machine manufacturing where micron and metallurgy is of utmost importance and started manufacturing of Tube and Pipe Mills, Section Mills etc. ITL is hub for Tube Technology of leading manufacturer’s technical know-how from USA

Application Name
In the year 1999, ITL ventured in complete new segment of machine manufacturing where micron and metallurgy is of utmost importance and started manufacturing of Tube and Pipe Mills, Section Mills etc. ITL is hub for Tube Technology of leading manufacturer’s technical know-how from USA