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Tube Mills Standard
- We are manufacturing all our Mills based on German designs.
- Basically German designs are very rugged, strong and with higher factor of safety.
- The components and assemblies are heavy duty in construction; thereby make the Mill vibration free and more rigid.
- Since our Mills are more rigid and stronger, quality of tubes which are produced is much better as compared to other manufacturers and it is for your information that customers who are producing tubes on our Mills are getting premium on their products.
- All our Machine beds are evenly machined in a single setting on a larger size Plano miller which makes it error free.
- All other components like stands, chokes, shafts etc are also machined on CNC’s giving 100% interchangeability of components and accuracy of components geometry.
- Because of higher level of accuracies between bed and horizontal and vertical stands, the roll changing time is comparatively less which of course depends on skill of operators.
- Because of smooth fitment, alignment and adjustment, the setting time for a new size of tube is less.
- Customer gets better yield and performance on our Mills because of lesser time required for initial setting and making second pipe itself of desired quality.
- Our main Mill beds and Drive beds are modular type in construction. This type of construction helps in very fast erection, alignment, leveling and commissioning of Mill thereby starting Mill with bear minimum time.
- We use all inputs like motors, gear boxes, bearings of standard make of Crompton, Kirloskar, Siemens, Shanti, Elecon, Preimer, ZKL etc.
- We have very experienced and knowledgeable ITI fitters who are with us for last 15 – 20 years and assembly is being done by them under strict supervision of highly experienced manager from shop floor.
- Since we have implemented ERP system and ISO, there is a traceability of records and all items used in a specific Mill as every individual item is identified and tracked by project code allotted to a specific customer.
- We keep a good inventory of components / sub-assemblies required for smooth running of Mill thereby supporting customer with after sales services and spares.
- We have very good experienced and knowledgeable team of commissioning engineers who can commission the Mill within shortest possible time and starting the Mill as early as possible.
- Our commissioning team is capable of training and hand handing of customer team members and educate them on operation of Mill.
- Our Mills require bear minimum maintenance and there are no abnormal breakdowns, provided a preventive maintenance is carried out.
- All items are finished through 7 tank process of painting which gives a very longer life and keeps Mills aesthetically new for a longer duration.
- We have got in-house facility for sheet metal working, painting, hydraulic, electrical etc required for manufacturing a good Tube Mill.
- Last but not the least we are an organized Company listed at Bombay Stock Exchange with CRISIL rating. We have a structure in place for all functions for running a professionally managed organization.